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Last Week’s Egg Letter 10/10/19

October 16, 2019

It is Thursday afternoon. I have finished my farm work and “Work” work…oh how I love my “Work” work!
Anyway, I thought I would holler at y’all now because I have a number of appointments and interviews tomorrow… I love my life! I love my farm! I love my not-farm business!

Eggs are for Sale! Who needs eggs to be delivered on Sunday at church?

Walter & Sweetie sneaked some feed from inside the pasture.

Walter and Sweetie trying to get feed from the wrong side of the fence.

The rain last weekend, the overcast days of late, the lower temperatures – praise the Lord God Almighty! He has given us relief! He alone made all things and He alone has rained His mercy upon us! (We almost didn’t come to church last Sunday, so enthralled with the falling rain, the smell, the sound…)

The sort-of tarp covering DH and I hung for the goats on Saturday was full of water and half-fallen-down when I went to the pasture this morning. The goats looked no worse for wear. Fat, sassy, some wanting to be petted… They all love feed, though they no longer receive it regularly.
DH is researching the best shelters (smallish) that we can put into the central pasture when we – take a deep breath – move the younger nannies to the front pasture again. Time for my cardio again! Pam? Pam? Where are you, my goat-herding friend?

Does & their kids.

Heidi, Dot, GG, Jumper, Barb and Joy – too cool for school.

The hens are great! They are being fed Scratch again now that the temp has dropped. While filling my Scratch bucket, one of the young pullets flew up to stand on my wrist. Silly bird. She stayed there while I walked out of the coop until I dropped my arm and scattered Scratch for everyone!

The big dogs were bathed last weekend ahead of the cold front. They immediately rolled in the grass and Dixon, bad dog, scratched up mulch to roll in! Not longer White Great Pyrenees. They are filthy, cocklebur-encrusted, spoiled rotten farm dogs!

Walter has the most beautiful coat! Looking forward to seeing his offspring!

Let me know if you want farm fresh eggs!

Tammi Hollis

RODAN+FIELDS Independent Consultant
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Mothers Day Again

May 14, 2023

Another Mothers Day…ignored. 

Not that I need a gift or a card or even a “Happy Mothers Day, Mom,” but it would be nice (and totally shocking) to be given a greeting, a gift, a card…made to feel as though the blood, sweat and tears I invested for these 41+ years was actually acknowledged, if not appreciated.

Tearful, which is quite unusual for me.  It’s not like this is the 1st time they have ignored Mothers Day, much less my birthday.  As I said, I don’t need a gift – I don’t need anything, any more clutter to be the final straw on the camel’s back sending my cluttered existence down in an avalanche.

It’s the simple nod of the head, hug, to let me know that somehow, somewhere in their young (41, 38, 36 – maybe not so young) histories I might have found some value in their eyes.  

Proverbs 31 woman – your children will rise up and call you blessed.  Not holding my breath. <sigh>  On the verge of tears again.  This is not like me!  What is going in and why am I so tearful? <sigh, again>

I sent a gift to DIL I thought she would appreciate.  Son doesn’t know that it arrived…  She holds me at arm’s length for whatever reason, and I didn’t send the gift to curry favor.  Just something I thought she would appreciate.  Maybe DH will call them this afternoon…not that they will answer, it’s Sunday, and she has …established house rules that #3 son doesn’t appear to violate.  Gee, I wonder if I could have done that…45+ years ago?

I feel very alone right now.  Absolutely alone.  DH is sitting in his chair across from me.  I tried reading but my mind kept spinning and my eyes tearing up.

Interesting the places the enemy of our soul attacks.    

Going to find my earbuds and fill my ears and mind with Lord Of The Rings, Fellowship – escapism.  <tired of sighing again and again>

I feel very alone.

I bought myself a new orchid 2 weeks ago.  It’s blooming.

Egg Customer Letter 8/21/2020

August 22, 2020

It’s Friday morning & the sun isn’t up yet, but that’s OK! I am up & have already had Isla outside to, as my BFF Pam says, “Do it! Do it! Do it!” She did!

Who needs eggs this week? I still have plenty for sale!

Quite a number of eggs have been broken in the nesting boxes this week – weak shells. Even with their oyster calcium supplement, for some reason the eggshells have been too weak to support the weight of the hens once the eggs are laid. Hmm…gotta work on that…
The hens have free-ranged all week, following me whenever I step outside, even if it’s with Isla on her training leash.

Naptime…before we started training.

Isla has started her obedience training. Actually the training is for me to share with her. I found a phenomenal trainer who had been the head of Animal Psychology at Virginia Tech Vet School! She loved Isla’s motivation & attention, but there are issues to correct, like her “reactiveness” to other dogs. Isla will graduate from this program once she can learn & follow all the commands & can take a dog pack walk following commands, not reacting to the other dogs. YeeHaw!

30 year-old card from sweet Deena.

Mason & Dixon continue to spend their days napping inside the house. Oh, my beautiful fur-covered hardwood floors!
Dixon’s foot injury from last month has him back on antibiotics…again.

I finally, after a year, removed the downed top half of the gum tree between the goats shelters in the front pasture. In the process the original wooden goat shelter that I built (there was a crooked woman who built a crooked house) was collapsed. Oops! I received a double slap in the face by live branches & leaves leaving me with slight corneal abrasions on both eyes. Oops, again! I forget how tall this tractor is & was so busy watching the downed tree I didn’t catch flailing limbs. Ouch!

Tri-color buckster.

Sweet friend Deena sent me a card with Joseph’s “goat of many colors,” which is now posted on my kitchen cabinet. This is one of my multi-colored kids from April!

The goats look great & are much happier as a single herd. I still haven’t taken the little bucks to auction yet, but I will get there.

Time to make myself a cup of coffee & sit down with my Bible before the real work of the day begins.
Have a fabulous day & let me know if you want eggs!

Tammi Hollis

RODAN+FIELDS Executive Consultant
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Egg Customer Letter 8/15/2020

August 17, 2020

It’s Saturday morning! I forgot to send your email yesterday! Oops!

Who needs farm fresh eggs this week?

After last week’s ear-tagging, this week has mercifully been uneventful.
Heat, humidity, tiny drips of rain, but not as much as we need.

I just realized that I haven’t put the sprinkler back on the garden since the mowers were here Wednesday. Uh oh! No wonder the fall crop of peas haven’t sprouted! That means I am already behind this morning even though I got to work around 5:30 this morning.

Garden zinnias

The hens look great. They love the big dogs being inside during the daytime so they can fully free-range.
The goats are all in the same pasture, which means kids for Thanksgiving & Christmas!
I did not take the current season kids to the sale barn last weekend – they were not big enough. Since there is a goat sale every other week, I will keep an eye on them & snag them when they are up to size.

I have taught myself how to load & use a grease gun to attack the tractor joints before the next foray into the pastures. Yeah, me!

I do love the quiet of morning out here on the back deck. Crickets, hummingbirds, Isla attacking Dixon who is trying to nap…virtual quiet…
Let me finish my coffee, then I am out to set the garden sprinkler.

Tammi Hollis

RODAN+FIELDS Executive Consultant
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Egg Customer Letter 8/6/2020

August 10, 2020

It’s Thursday afternoon & I am actually sitting down to write the weekly letter! Wow!
Farm fresh eggs are available this week! Who needs eggs?

Why am I writing the email today? Because tomorrow I will be ear-tagging little goats before they are taken to the sale barn on Sunday afternoon for Monday’s sale. Ear-tagging is not difficult (well, now that we have a feeding pen so I should be able to snag the kids & not run/drive all over the pastures to catch them…), but it is time consuming & I usually end up exhausted.
There is a disease that affects goats & sheep nationwide called Scapie, therefore all goats & sheep are required to have ear tags identifying the farm where they were born & raised in the event a goat down the line tests positive for the disease. The system was implemented a number of years ago & since then, the disease has been decreasing in prevalence.
The tags were free of charge to me from the state though I did have to buy the tool to attach them. It is just like getting an ear pierced. Most farmers ear tag just after kids are born. I prefer to wait until just before sale, that way, if I keep the goat it doesn’t need a tag. If I sell kids as pets, most folks do not want them tagged.
Anyway, ear-tagging tomorrow, 8am start, if you happen to want to help! Wear washable clothes and shoes. You will be treated to lunch & a lovely glass of wine! (Gin & tonic or Bloody Mary’s also available.) Bring your bathing suit & we will take a dip in the pool, too!

The hens are fully free-ranging again this week, DH, being the softie who lets the big dogs push past him into the house during the warmer daylight hours. Mason & Dixon are currently asleep on the hallway floor. Isla is chewing on a bone next to me on the back deck.
A Rhode Island Red caught the lone mouse I was able to flush out of the coop this morning. She was quick!
I have increased the oyster shell calcium to harden up the eggshells. I mucked out the coop & the roost earlier in the week. Stinky job! All the while, the hens were talking & fussing & scratching around my feet just to be annoying, I’m sure.

The bushes have been overburdened with berries even though the birds help themselves.

I harvested over 30 lbs of elderberries from our oversized bushes this morning! They will need to dry, then I can give them to anyone who is interested in making their own “cough syrup.” I will also supply my recipe.
When #1 son arrived from NYCity in early March with the COVID virus, we isolated him in his bedroom & immediately started him on Vitamins D & C, Zinc & my homemade Elderberry Syrup twice a day. Dear Husband, #2 son (who had arrived from 4 years in the Philippines only a month earlier to escape the virus) & I also started the same supplements. JD ran a high fever for 11 days before the virus gave up & went away. DH, #2 & I never had symptoms in any way, shape or form. I know it must

    be because of my elderberry syrup.
    I will let you know when the berries are ready. No, I will not sell them to you. They are a gift for all. The Lord generously has provided a crazy-abundant harvest. God is good.

    We had another pond emergency with DH’s goldfish pond this week. Good grief!
    The hummingbirds are sucking down all the sugar water I pour into feeders for them rather quickly.

    I continue to can all the garden bounty the Lord provides. Continuing to build up our supply of homemade salsa.
    I planted English Peas this morning for a fall crop as I harvest Purple Hull Peas. There are still carrots growing, very fragrant carrots. Harvested our first jalapeño peppers of the season! Yes, this late! The potatoes had encroached upsetting the tomatoes & peppers until I dug them all up a few weeks ago.

    OK, enough already!
    Let me know if you want eggs!

    Tammi Hollis

    RODAN+FIELDS Executive Consultant
    Message me for 10% discount and free shipping:


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Egg Customer Letter 7/31/2020

August 8, 2020

Good afternoon on this rainy Friday! Praise the Lord, it’s raining! Sometimes… but I will take it! More rain, please!

I have farm fresh eggs available this week. $5/dozen.
Just reply to this email!

This is our first significant rainfall in 2 weeks. So grateful to the Lord for it!
Grateful because I won’t have to water the garden (maybe), but also because DH’s goldfish pond pumped ‘dry’ overnight. Again.
The connection tubing to the filter is not the correct size & has a tendency to blow off. Well, it did. Again. We found it this morning. Poor goldfish had to swim & breathe in about 18 inches of water.
The rain has helped refill it along with the water hose. Sheesh, my water bill!

The prettiest nanny kid of the season in my opinion.

The hens are doing quite well, though some are laying smallish eggs due to the heat. Their appetites have not decreased, that’s for sure! They have truly free-range all week with the big dogs inside to cool off during the day, & even now, with the portable electric fence back up, they continue to free-range inside & outside the fence. Repairs needed.

I repaired a hole in the chicken wire on the gate separating the billy goats from the nannies yesterday with a lot of help from Sweetie, Sissie & Jolly. Sweetie chewed on my clothes while Sissie licked the coconut oil + peppermint essential oil I wore to keep bugs, especially ticks, away. When I switched to the inside of the billy pasture, Jolly chewed on my hat when she couldn’t sit in my lap, then stood on my back & shoulders to watch what I was doing. Silly goats!

Problem-child little buck who broke through the fence & his sire, Walter, on the left.

If you know anyone in the market, I do have kids for sale still. Everyone is weaned & ready to re-home.

Currently canning my homemade salsa, 5 batches today which should translate into 4 quarts & 5 pints, with a small bowl to enjoy before supper.
Yesterday Mason caught & killed a big rabbit that had gotten into the garden & gorged on tomatoes, carrots & parsley.

Back to the salsa, so let me know if you want eggs delivered to church this coming Sunday!

Tammi Hollis

RODAN+FIELDS Executive Consultant
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Egg Customer Letter 7/24/2020

August 7, 2020

Hello on a hot Friday afternoon!
Farm fresh eggs are available this week! Get ‘em while they’re hot! (Sorry.)

Busy week as always on the farm.
We lost a hen. She evidently flew into something & broke her neck, poor thing. Of course, she was a Barred Rock, not one of the oldies.

The hens have fully free-ranged this week because we are bringing the big dogs into the house during the hot days to sleep so they can cool off before heading out at sunset to keep the farm safe.
Mason did get out one time & attacked a hen. She lost a lot of feathers but escaped, praise the Lord!

I moved Sweetie & Sissie goats up top to eat down the weeds & blackberry canes in my old garden. They are quite vocal whenever they hear my voice.

I have canned dill pickles & salsa this week. Tomorrow I will finish the lime water sweet pickles. I spent too much time on the tractor this morning & am kind of spent, so tomorrow, along with more salsa.
The garden is playing out as the end of July approaches when I will start planting crops for autumn & winter consumption.
Yellow squash are tired, though I will freeze or can squash soup this afternoon.
Continue to fight the songbirds for tomatoes! The Bluebirds are not doing their job of keeping other songbirds out of their territory!
Lots & lots of cucumbers, hence all the pickles.
No sweet peppers at all due to overzealous cucumbers crowding them out!
Purple hull peas are starting to bloom…finally!
Still picking carrots not know what to do with them. I guess I will freeze them for soup this winter. I could wrap a few in bacon & serve them with supper tonight…YUM!
Blackberries have played out.
I harvested all our potatoes this week. Canned a number of quarts; the others are in paper sacks in the pantry keeping cool until John David cooks & then we get them oven-roasted!
All the shallots have been harvested & have been cured.
Very happy parsley, very happy nasturtiums, very happy sunflowers & zinnias round out the plants.

Let me know if you want eggs brought to church this week or if you want to take a drive to the country to pick some up!
Stay cool!

Tammi Hollis

RODAN+FIELDS Executive Consultant
Message me for 10% discount and free shipping:


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Egg Customer Letter 7/16/2020

July 17, 2020

Happy very hot & humid Thursday afternoon! This is the weather that make Southern ladies (& gentlemen) so attractively dewey in their appearance! That is until we reach indoors with air-conditioning & a glass of iced tea!
Praise You, Lord, for Mr. Carrier & his air-conditioning machine invented many years ago!

Lord willing, we will be at Church this coming Sunday morning! Who needs farm fresh eggs?
Reply to this email to let me know!

The hens have slowed their egg laying. The heat has done its work & no longer am I finding almost 2 dozen eggs in the nesting boxes each evening. The water fount must be filled twice a day along with an extra 5-gallon bucket.
I lost a hen 10 days ago to a predator & had another hen who was injured to the point that the other hens attacked her. I kept her in the “broody hen” cage for 10 days, well fed & watered. She came out this morning able to walk, not shying from the others. Glad I decided not to butcher her last weekend with our kids in town together.

Cucumbers, tomatoes, blackberries, yellow squash, carrots & potatoes coming from the garden. Planning the Autumn planting that will start at the end of July. Good grief but this month, this year has flown by!

I moved Dot & Jolly Nanny Goats into the central pasture with Walter, them having been rebred, also, their 4 little billies. I am watching carefully the other young nannies to see if they should join them. Walter is much happier no longer being alone.
The 6 youngest kids will be ready to re-home in the next few weeks. I have a verbal agreement for the sale of the 3 little nannies.

It will soon be time to sell cabrito/chevon, whether you prefer Spanish or French. I do take orders prior to butchering, but will also have meat for sale after the fact.
Last week, just before our son & daughter-in-love arrived, I made Bengali Slow-cooked Beef…oops… Goat. James & Alison arrived hungry & chowed down on the leftovers with my special Bangla Dahl.

I am seriously enjoying my time on the John Deere tractor. Fast bush-hogging. Feeling so much more stable on the hills than the glorified lawn mower we used for 4 years.

All our boys in the same house for the first time in 6 years, sitting around the dinner table, playing in the pool, laughing, teasing, talking. DH & I were exhausted when James & A & Bainesy left Sunday morning for home.
We had 4 dogs in the house most of the weekend: Isla, Mason & Dixon & Bainesy. They got along famously! Especially in the pool!
Saturday afternoon/evening were spent in the pool by all of us playing either basketball, volleyball, HORSE (basketball); we are a competitive bunch, or just floating & talking.

Isla, Bainesy & Isla’s ‘elephante’

Stay cool! Let me know if you want eggs Sunday morning!

Tammi Hollis

RODAN+FIELDS Executive Consultant
Message me for 10% discount and free shipping:

Egg Custmore Letter 6/26/2020

June 27, 2020

A late Friday afternoon Hello!

Eggs are available – how many dozens do you need?


DH & I returned from exercise this morning & I made the mistake of stopping to eat breakfast before beginning chores (I never do this!).
When I headed outside the humidity was near unbearable, but the dogs jumped into the truck to help me feed the goats. I let the hens out of the coop first, then drove to the front pasture.
The goats were thrilled at being fed 2 days in a row! Four kids were out of the fence, nibbling weeds & brambles on our neighbors property; 2 slipped under the fence to get to the feeding pen, 2 ran toward the pen on the other side of the fence. Sorry guys, can’t feed you there.

We still have a passel of kids in the pasture.

All the goats are healthy, though not as fat as usual. The high grass makes it difficult for them to get around to graze, including Walter. You see, fainting goats like to be able to see if predators are nearby & with no tractor to keep the pastures neat, the grass & weeds are crazy tall.

Our tractor is supposed to be at the “store” next Thursday, however (there is almost always a however), the bush-hog must be installed & the “box” for grading the driveway must be checked, then DH & I must be trained to drive it… So, hopefully the 2nd week of July we will once again have a tractor on this wonderful piece of property. Please, Lord, let it be ready for us by then!

When I lock the hens in this evening there is one thing I am concerned about – is “broody” hen brooding again! She moved from nesting box to nesting box when I was servicing the hens this morning. All the nesting boxes stayed full with one silly hen trying to go two-sies to break in line for laying! If broody is still on the nest, back to the cage with food & water again for her for the next 3 days. Silly bird.

Heidi with 2 of her triplets. The little female in the back is GORGEOUS!

Barn Swallows are trying to build their mud nest on our front porch eave. Such beautiful birds & friendly, but they make a muddy mess. Also, we are having the exterior painted in about 2 weeks – so sorry, but find another nesting place, please. Try the barn or the chicken coop!

To finish my story, I got overheated this morning. Exercise. Breakfast. Dogs. Chickens. Goats. Chickens, again. Berry bramble. Garden. Dying! Dehydrated, overheated, hard to walk, put the eggs away, brought the veggies inside, Isla stayed outside with the big dogs…I make it to the shower & stand under the cold water until DH comes in to ask if Isla is in or out. “You should have jumped into the pool.” Thanks, Dear.
Earlier this afternoon I bought feed at the co-op & steaks at our local butcher. It looked like rain was coming so I unloaded the feed into the garage. 300 lbs in 50 lb bags. Guess what? Got overheated again. Duh! Currently sitting quietly in the Keeping Room until time to lock the hens in for the night.

A lovely combination: sweat and sunscreen! The Crazy Goat Lady with a kid.

Tomorrow will be busy – garden work starting with mowing between the raised beds, then weeding the perimeter fence, covering the sweet potatoes that have finally shown some life with fresh soil, searching for ripe English Pea pods, harvesting the last 2 cabbages to make sauerkraut & slaw, laying down cardboard over the grass & covering that with mulch from our downed trees. Yes, our tree guy & his crew mulched what they could & removed the rest of the trees that went down back..when was that storm? Got to hit it early…as soon as it is light enough to see.

Hope you’ve had a great week.
Let me know if you need farm fresh eggs!

Oh, I almost forgot, there was a snake skin in the chicken run this morning. Oh good.

Tammi Hollis

RODAN+FIELDS Executive Consultant
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Egg Customer Letter 6/19/2020

June 24, 2020

Well, hello to you, too, Heidi!

Happy Friday afternoon!
Who needs farm fresh eggs this week? Let me know!

We had a nice trip to Pickwick Lake last weekend for a reunion…sort of… with DH’s high school friends, even though it was his sister’s class!
Isla survived being left with her big human brothers, but barely.

One Rhode Island Red hen has been acting broody so she is completing her last day in a cage with food & water. It takes 3 days to break the cycle but I have no idea why. She will be glad to get outside for some scratching Saturday morning.
The other hens are fine & continue to lay. That will change once Summer heat arrives & stays, but currently, plenty of eggs.

The goats have been playing in the road! Brushing against the gate we rarely use, they pushed the old chicken wire off & took advantage of the freedom to eat alongside Mingo Branch Road. We found out Wednesday when our lawn guy, who mows the 5 acres on top of the hill, texted as he was leaving that nannies & kids were loose. By the time I got down there, they were all back inside the fence so I fed them to get them away from the edge of the property. Thursday, I replaced the old chicken wire by “sewing” it to the gate with heavy gauge wire. To secure the lower part of the gate I had to sit on the ground. Jolly Beau decided she is a lap goat! Goats are naturally curious, so they all arrived including the kids to investigate my presence. Jolly was in my lap. Sweetie was eating my hat. Sissie chewed on my shirt. Silly goats!

Thank you for posing, Dot’s little buckling!

We are buying a John Deere Tractor but it will not arrive until July 2nd! Walter better eat fast since the weeds & grass grow faster in his pasture due to the afternoon shade!

Harvesting English peas, yellow squash & cabbage from the garden. Yum!

Hope to see you at church Sunday!
Let me know if you want eggs!

Tammi Hollis

RODAN+FIELDS Executive Consultant
Message me for 10% discount and free shipping:


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Egg Customer Letter 6/5/2020

June 6, 2020

Good afternoon on this sunny, humid Friday!
Who needs eggs? I have a special surprise for folks who buy eggs this week…You will be very happy…

For newbies receiving this email, the eggs are $5 a dozen. The hens free-range within the confines of a portable electric fence which I relocate at least once a week. They are not quite as spoiled as my Tennessee Fainting Goats, but it’s close! I call, “Hennie-penny! Hennie-penny!” & they come running expecting a treat, which they usually receive.

Praise the Lord, our tree removal guy is here today! There should be plenty of firewood seasoning ahead of late Autumn’s cooler weather. We can get the front gate repaired & the solar panel & opener replaced! Hurrah! We will be able to take the driveway circle again!

Fog in the valley portends a hot day.

Mason & Dixon were groomed, bathed, brushed & summerized this week…by me! Good grief but they have a lot of fur! I have continued to brush them daily still working out the sloughing undercoat. Every single time I get a full grocery bag of fur! A FULL GROCERY BAG! EVERY SINGLE TIME!

A very clean & soft Dixon taking a nap.

Isla loves the pool but hates her bath! LOL! Too bad, little dog! I found a tick on her chin after a visit to the goat pasture & that means she will be bathed every time after she joins me in the pasture.

This was the week for hens to receive Brewer’s Yeast & Thorvin Kelp with their feed. They love it! Egg yolks should be deep orange! They are inhaling oyster shell calcium as a supplement to harden the egg shells.
The hens had a gourmet breakfast this morning. I pulled all spinach plants from the garden due to bolting in the heat. Additionally they enjoyed cabbage leaves & arugula. No mice this morning. I have to check the water fount twice a day with the heat & their high protein diet. I may add a touch of salt to the water this afternoon…

Isla was hot so she just walked down & jumped into the pool by herself!

The spinach bolted, the arugula & lettuces are threatening to bolt. Tomorrow morning will be spent planting Pink-Eye Purple Hull Peas in their place. I will replant the cool weather veggies in late August to have them into & hopefully through Winter. The Spring Peas have finally bloomed! Finally! Carrot greens are thick so I assume the roots are developing. Potatoes are blooming which means little potatoes have formed deep down in the dirt. The Sweet Potatoes are still lagging behind, as are the sweet & hot peppers & tomatoes. They were all stunted by the extreme cold we had back in May. It would probably be prudent to ditch these & buy new plants at the co-op…phooey!

The goats are spending all day in the shade everyday. The kids are growing nicely. More buyers coming to check them out next week.

Little Heart, sold last week.

Well, it has finally happened. The little tractor died. The cost to repair it, the amount of money we have spent over the past 5 years of owning this compact Kubota tractor, we could have/should have bought the larger size that we needed! We must have a tractor, especially with the Lord’s good rain that makes everything grow so well, to the point that if Walter doesn’t get busy eating lots & lots of weeds soon, he will disappear in the middle pasture! Since only Heidi & GG are still nursing their kids, I am seriously reducing the amount of feed for the goats to encourage their cleaning of the front pasture.
DH is researching tractors, costs, locations, service locations… so we should be bush-hogging again soon.

Let me know if you want eggs this week. Reply to this email or text me.
I will be out of town next weekend, so unless you buy eggs this Sunday, they will only be available if you drive out to the farm before Thursday.
Hope to see you Sunday morning!

Tammi Hollis

RODAN+FIELDS Executive Consultant
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